January Archives - Abundant Mini Gardens
Category Archives for "January"

How to Harvest Ripe Juicy Tomatoes When You Think You Can’t

Do you dream of harvesting lush, juicy tomatoes from your own backyard, but have a difficult time growing them because of extreme heat, cool temperatures, or partial shade? Don’t give up! By selecting the right varieties, and using a few simple tips, you may finally be able to harvest the perfect tomato from your own […]

Don’t Waste Your Rain!

Have you ever wondered why your garden seemed to dry out too quickly after a heavy rainfall?  Just because your garden received a 2-inch rainfall doesn’t mean that your soil actually absorbed it and will make it available for your plants. Outside of floods, rainfall is valuable. I hate to see it running off my garden […]

The Journey to My Current Gardening Method

Vertical Gardening with Trellises

After many years of gardening, I have found a combination of gardening methods that work well for me in my current location and with my existing limitations.  This is an audio recording about the different gardening methods I’ve tried over the years, and what has led me to the methods that I currently use. There […]
